About Us
Thuroona Services provide an industry point of difference in hazardous materials, project management and safety with a proven history in project delivery.
Thuroona Services is the only Supply Nation certified Class A (Unrestricted) Asbestos and Class 1 (Unrestricted) Demolition License Holder in Australia. Our vision is to make a positive contribution to sustainable change for Indigenous Australians and to work to establishing positive relationships with local communities. As the company continues to grow the team will strive to consist of 50% Indigenous, 35% ex-military and 15% of other skilled workers of varied cultural back grounds.
Emergency Response
Thuroona Services has significant experience and capabilities in the clean-up and management of chemical spills and environmental incidents. We routinely manage emergency incidents on behalf of major transport companies, manufacturers and the Environmental Protection Authority. We put the health and safety of our clients and the local community above all else.
Our Expertise
Thuroona Services provide a 24 hour emergency service to manage the clean-up of spills and environmental incidents. Our emergency response team are highly trained and experienced in chemical and biological containment, decontamination, and subsequent safe disposal of residues and waste products.
Combined with Thuroona's Controlled Waste licensed transport fleet and hazardous waste treatment facilities, Thuroona can manage any hazardous or emergency incident safely and efficiently minimising any disruption to your business activities, the public or environment.
Thuroona's highly trained technicians will safely manage the clean-up of spills, segregate and repackage dangerous goods and decontaminate the affected areas using specialist techniques for all hazard types.
Services & Capabilities:
24 hour a day callout – 1300 848 766
Spills and chemical clean-ups,
Controlled and Dangerous Goods licensed transport (liquid and solid),
Specialised and highly trained technical team,
State of the art spill response equipment and personal protective equipment, and
Spills kits.
Contact Thuroona Services to arrange the assessment of your company’s emergency response needs. We can prepare a spill management plan, emergency response plan and also be on call 24 hours a day in case an incident does occur.